Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How Long Does it Take You?

So a couple of days ago, I heard that in Toronto, it takes about 70-79 minutes on average to travel to and from work (round trip). I honestly wish that was the case for me.

My average travel time daily is 3 hours. No matter what form of transportation I take, it generally takes an hour and a half one way.

Here is my travel schedule:
Leave at 7:30am - In car from home in Mississauga to Keele and Wilson in Toronto.
8:15-20am - Wait at the bus stop on Wilson 5-10 minutes. 8 minute bus ride to Wilson Subway Station.
8:30am - Get on the subway at Wilson Station to Osgoode Station. About a half an hour subway ride.
9:00am - Get to Osgoode station and walk to work. Arrive at approx 9:05am.

Leave at 4:50pm - I leave 10 minutes early because the subway station is PACKED after 5pm.
Get to Osgoode Station at 4:55pm.
5:02pm (appox.) arrive at St. George Station
5:30pm - Arrive at Islington Station. I usually don't catch the 5:30 bus, so I end up taking the 5:45.
5:45pm - Hop on the 109 Mississauga Transit, and make it home between 6:30 - 6:45, depending on traffic.

I wonder where these people got the stats from and if they only surveyed people who live in Toronto.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Isn't it a Little Dark?

I ride the subway everyday to get to work and to go home. I always notice that some people wear their sunglasses inside, and I wonder why. The subway is underground, and doesn't have the greatest lighting. I know that there are times when the subway does see the light of day, but for the most part it's underground.

This is in the same boat as people wearing their sunglasses at night. WHY?

If anyone has the answer as to why people wear sunglasses in dark places, please enlighten me.



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Take A Walk in Those Badboys!

So I finally figured out why it's such a struggle for me to walk in heels. On Saturday I went to a wedding. There are three factors as to why I probably looked funny when I walk:

1) I was wearing (thin) heels. They're not quite stilettos, but they were about 3 inches high. I could walk in them, but it felt really awkward. I also seem to walk hard (not like the movie), but I'm heavy on my feet.
2) My dress was snug, and didn't allow me to take my long strides that I normally take. Plus, every time I did TRY to take my long strides, my dress would ride up a bit.
3) I walk really fast, even when I'm trying to take shorter steps and I'm dressed up.

So with that said, the solution to my problem is, be more lady-like and take slower, shorter, light steps and everything would be good.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Cleaning Hurts Me

Yesterday I decided that I REALLY needed to clean my room. First of all, the mess was getting annoying. And secondly, I found mouse shit under my bed. For a while, I was in denial about the possibility of a mouse making it upstairs in the house, let alone my room.

I went out and bought a paper shredder to get rid of bills that I've had in my room since 2005. With all of the stuff that went to the shredder, it took up 3/4 of a clear garbage bag!! It would make great confetti. I also got a storage unit for other random stuff that I have.

As I cleaned my room, I got my brother to help. Well, he owed me because he doesn't have a job and I buy him food all the time. It was his idea to move my furniture around. After moving my bed, two dressers, and a shelf, I realize that I am no longer in shape to move big items... or even sit on my floor for long periods of time. For some reason, my ass hurts. It's not the working out kind of hurt, it's a sharp pain. At first I joked about it being sciatica because my dad has had it before. I'm not sure if I actually have it because I've never seen a doctor about it and it doesn't happen often.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, cleaning is not fun and it hurts me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Crazy Bug

I'm a bit of a crazy person when it comes to The Beatles. Naturally, I bought The Beatles Rockband last Tuesday when it came out. As much as I LOVE the game, I have a few observations. Before I get into them, I know that it's just a game and that there's no need to make a big or any deal out of it. I'm not making a big deal... they're just observations/attention to detail.

- In "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", it shows The Beatles in the studio playing this song and it's implied that George is playing lead guitar. The fact is, it was Eric Clapton playing lead guitar. He's not in the game.
- In "I Me Mine", it showed the band playing this song. But during the recording, John Lennon had left the band so it was only George, Paul and Ringo who recorded it. By the way, kind of off topic but I Me Mine on expert guitar is hard! (for me anyway).
- I think that some really amazing songs (Oh! Darling) were left out of the game and should have replaced some of the ones that are there such as Hey Bulldog.

I could go on, but I won't because I'm tired and need sleep. Also, I'm not complaining that they came out with a game just for The Beatles. Don't worry though, I'm not one of those crazies who will tape myself playing the game then post it on youtube. I'm not THAT crazy.

There's No Crying in Baseball... There's No Crying!

There wasn't really any crying in this particular baseball game but there definitely was a brawl. It looked intense, but hilarious at the same time. Last night, the Jays played the Yankees in Yankee Stadium. Let's just say that two Jays players got hit with the ball while at bat, so the Jays had to do something about it. This clip has it all. Just watch.

I've gotten out of my Jays fanatic stage, but still. This was worth mini-blogging about.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hey, it's Colin Firth!

Here's a not-so interesting TIFF story. Last night, Astrid and I were going to watch The Damned United, but she wasn't feeling up to it. That was fine by me too because I wasn't sure if I was really in the mood to watch a movie anyway. After trying to sell her tickets to the gala and walking around Toronto/Yorkville, eating and having Caesars, we heard a bunch of girls screaming and lots of camera flashes. We decided to see what the hype was all about and ran across Avenue Road. It turns out that Colin Firth had just showed up to the screening of one of his movies. We got to see him! The funniest thing though, was the girl who was standing near by and completely freaking out because she LOVES HIM SO MUCH!

Monday, September 14, 2009

How Many Is This Now?

I don't even know how many blogs I've had in the past. My domain name expired and I didn't renew it... I totally forgot to do it. Since my blog was linked to my website it can't be viewed anymore, so here's a new one. I decided that I wont renew my domain name until I actually design my site. It could be another year until that happens. In the meantime, I still have my music blog (which I DO update) and my photo blog (it doesn't get updated very often).

So, happy (continued) blogging!
