Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Formula was WRONG!

Oh World Cup soccer. I remember when I didn't give a shit about this time of year. Well, it's not exactly like that. It's not that I didn't care; I did care a little hoping that certain teams didn't win the cup. I usually cheered for Germany to win.

This year it's a little different. Working where I work, we have pools for everything that goes on (Grammys, Oscars, hockey, World Cup). It makes things fun and interesting. If you can recall, I actually won the hockey pool! World Cup pool, not so much. Well, I'm maybe 3rd or 4th right now. Anyway, I went into this having two teams that I was going to cheer for: #1 Netherlands, and #2 Germany. I actually believed since the quarter finals that it would be a Netherlands and Germany final, with Germany winning it all (yes, even though they are my #2 team). As things turned out today, Germany is not going into the finals. The formula was wrong!

What formula you ask? Well, I've heard about this before that there's a formula that will determine who would win the World Cup. According to this formula, it was supposed to be Germany's turn. I actually found this in the Metro paper this morning, and here it is... I don't know who came up with this by the way.

1. Brazil won the W.C. in 1970 and again in 1994. 1994+1970 = 3,964
2. Argentina won the W.C. in 1978 and in 1986. 1986+1978 = 3,964
3. Germany won the W.C. in 1974 and 1990. 1974+1990 = 3,964
4. Therefore, if you want to figure out who will win the cup this year (clearly NOT right) you subtract 3,964 and 2010... 3,964-2010 = 1954. In 1954, Germany won the cup. INTERESTING!

I'm actually kind of glad that Spain won the game today because I think that they will be hard to beat in the finals, but somehow easier to beat than Germany. Let me just say that it is so awesome that a team that has never won the cup before will win this year. This is Spain's first time in the W.C. final, and Netherlands' third time. You know what they say, 3rd time's a charm!


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